EXCERPT: “With a number of regional highway projects — like U.S. Highway 71 north of Willmar — just finishing up, and funding approved for the state Highway 23 four-lane project between Willmar and St. Cloud, transportation officials say there’s much to be thankful for. ‘But there are ongoing needs,’ said Margaret Donahoe, executive director of the Minnesota Transportation Alliance, during a meeting Thursday in Willmar that was held to highlight transportation issues with legislators and candidates prior to the Nov. 6 election. ‘We want to make sure candidates understand how important transportation funding is and that they talk about how to deal with this problem before the 2019 legislative session,’ she said. Representatives from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the city of Willmar, Kandiyohi County, the Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce, the Highway 23 Coalition and three regional transit systems representing more than 15 counties all spoke about the need for additional funding to create a solid transportation infrastructure and a transit service that effectively serves greater Minnesota.” FULLSTORY: http://bit.ly/2MReNcV