Tag: workforce shortage

The State of Rural 2019

Each year, the Center for Rural Policy and Development provides a brief update on various economic and demographic data in rural Minnesota. As policy discussions concerning rural Minnesota unfold, it is important to understand the past, present, and potential futures of rural regions. This report provides historical data points, illustrating how rural conditions have changed ...

Finding work or finding workers? Part 1

Ask business owners in Minnesota what their biggest challenge is today and most will tell you: “finding help.” Economic growth coupled with an aging workforce heading toward retirement and fewer young people to replace them is putting significant pressure on Greater Minnesota’s employers, making hiring significantly more challenging. Over the next several months, the Center for ...

Addressing the coming workforce squeeze

For most parts of the state, the coming workforce squeeze is already here. A smaller pool of workers means businesses—and communities—will be competing for their attention. Communities around Minnesota are starting to work on how to make their towns the places people want to move to. But part of making a community a great place ...

The coming workforce squeeze

It’s a demographic phenomenon planners have been warning about for years, and now it’s here. By 2035, Minnesota’s 65+ population is expected to grow by 93%, or 784,000 seniors, while losing 5% of its workforce-age population, or 170,000 people ages 15-64 as Baby Boomers pass the 65-year mark. Here’s the story.
senior population growth

Challenges in building the long-term care workforce in rural Minnesota

The age wave we’ve been expecting for the last 30 years is here now, and now communities both in Greater Minnesota and the Twin Cities metro are facing the problem of where to find workers, particularly in the field of long-term care. This presentation outlines the issues, some takeaways, and some suggestions on what can ...