Tag: rural minnesota

Season 2 Ep. 2: A conversation about food cooperatives

Grocery stores have been on Julie’s mind lately. As a member of the Waseca EDA, she finds herself thinking about ways and alternatives to attract a new grocery store business to the community to help fill a need that is currently only occupied by Walmart. On this episode, she discusses one alternative – cooperatives. She’s ...

State of Rural Highlight 2 – making a living in rural Minnesota

By Kelly Asche Every year the Center publishes the “State of Rural” report – a brief overview of the demographic and economic trends from a rural perspective. This year’s report will be published in December 2021. Over the next few months, we will be writing about some of the trends in the report here on our blog allowing ...

Season 2 Ep. 1: Why our upcoming research is focused around taxes

After taking a break over the summer we are happy to be back and discuss some of the future research we have coming out this Fall. On this episode we discuss why our upcoming research will be focused around a general topic – taxes. What we thought, at first, was just coincidence that our topics ...

Webinar: Immigrants, Refugees and Local Government Outreach

How are rural communities building relationships with diverse neighbors and embracing differences? The Center for Rural Policy and Development partnered with students from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs to publish a report to help answer these questions. The video above is from our webinar that took place on Wednesday, July 21st where two students ...

Interconnected Rural-Urban Conversations: Examining Health Care Access

      Thursday, June 3rd: Examining Health Care Access Access to healthcare services is critical to good health, yet both rural and urban Minnesota residents face a variety of access barriers. When we talk about healthcare, cost is often the focus. But broader accessibility issues remain a challenge. Both rural and urban residents encounter ...

Meatpacking Towns bring diversity to rural Minnesota

By Whitney Oachs, Research intern If you listened to our latest episode on our The Center of Everywhere podcast, you know that my classmates and I at the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs completed a capstone thesis this spring on local government outreach among rural immigrant and refugee communities. In the study, we ...

Interconnected Rural-Urban Conversations: Minnesota’s Workforce – Help Wanted, Everywhere

      Thursday, April 29th: Minnesota’s Workforce – Help Wanted, Everywhere Our second Interconnected Conversation focused on the workforce shortage in Minnesota. Panelists discussed the similarities and differences in the workforce shortage between urban and rural Minnesota, how the pandemic affected employment in rural and urban areas differently, and some possible solutions for solving ...