Tag: mental health

Does it have to be so hard?

By Marnie Werner, VP, Research & Operations We’ve been spending some time with mental health and mental health care the last few years here at the Center, and one thing we’ve found, which should be surprising to no one who follows our work or just lives in this state, is that we have a shortage ...

Before it’s a crisis

Connecting kids to mental health services faster By Marnie Werner, Vice President of Research Even before we started work on our latest report, “Youth Mental Health: Where parents can find help now,” we were hearing stories of kids (and adults, too) brought to the emergency room of the local rural hospital because parents (or family ...

Interconnected – Youth Mental Health in Minnesota

The Center for Rural Policy & Development and the Citizens League hosted another conversation in their Interconnected series on Thursday, September 12, 2024. The mental health of children and teens in America has grown increasingly worse in recent years in what has been called a youth mental health crisis. Minnesota consistently ranks as one of ...

Blog post: 988 usage 2018-2023

By Marnie Werner, Vice President of Research & Operations In a report we released last February, we talked about an important tool in the work on suicide prevention, 988. The suicide prevention phone number changed in 2022 from its former ten-digit 800 number to the easy-to-remember three digits. As part of our discussion on suicide ...
Hands holding a family cut out from paper

The power of community

Marnie Werner Vice President of Research & Operations   My dad once told me his boss had a sign on his door that read: “Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?” When I first started at the Center in 2000, I think rural Minnesota was at a crossroads of sorts. The ...

Research webinar – The suicide epidemic in rural Minnesota

The Center for Rural Policy & Development and the Citizens League are excited to continue our “Interconnected” series highlighting  topics important to both rural and urban audiences. In this webinar, hear a presentation from Vice President of Research, Marnie Werner, providing an overview of the Center for Rural Policy and Development’s newest research – “The ...