Tag: economy

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Identifying counties most at risk economically

Our guest blogger today is Brigid Tuck, Senior Economic Impact Analyst for the University of Minnesota Extension. The U of MN Extension has been doing in-depth analysis and developing resources to help businesses, leaders, and community members get through this challenging time. The post below is an extension of a fact sheet provided by U ...

Health care industry is a major employer in rural Minnesota

By Kelly Asche April, 2020 Many industries across Minnesota are being impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic. Unemployment is at historical highs. Among all the policies being passed, a top priority has been creating new programs to support the recently unemployed. Soon, however, leaders will begin pivoting their attention from emergency measures to developing policies and ...

Impact of Minnesota’s farm economy on Greater Minnesota

April 2020 By Kelly Asche, Research Associate & Marnie Werner, VP Research Note to readers: We were just getting ready to release this report when the COVID-19 pandemic showed up on Minnesota’s doorstep and everything changed. We believe the findings of our report still hold true since they review the past trends, but we have ...
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Resiliency in a time of pandemic

By Julie Tesch What a time to launch a podcast.  Little did we know that when we debuted our new podcast, Center of Everywhere, in March that we would be stepping into an unprecedented time with a global pandemic. The original goal of our podcast was to share our research on rural Minnesota and talk ...

When creativity pays off big: Big Stone County

By Kelly Asche Last week we highlighted programs communities have developed to help their small businesses during the pandemic crisis. One of those programs, a campaign put on by the Big Stone Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, turned out to be highly successful. We thought it deserved its own post. The Big Stone Lake Area ...
canoes on a lake with trees

Why we’re watching the impact on the recreation industry up north

By Kelly Asche Last week, Governor Walz made the difficult but necessary decision to order all bars and restaurants across the state closed in order to slow the spread of COVID-19 even though it hasn’t reached all counties yet. But even though COVID-19 isn’t in your county yet, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be taking ...
What is rural? Farm, cows, grain.

What is Rural?

  We asked the all-important question, “What is rural?” The first in our new set of videos on rural issues and research provides the answer! 

Finding work or finding workers? Part 3

As employers hit the end of what’s known as the “slack in the labor force”—that percentage of the population ages 18–64 not participating in the workforce—they are running up against something new: engaging with and recruiting workers from groups of people living in particular circumstances that make it difficult for them to hold jobs. It ...