Tag: economic development

What a year

Here’s to blue skies ahead in 2021.   By Marnie Werner, VP of Research & Operations Okay, it’s been a crazy year, right? Who would have imagined on January 1 of 2020 all the things we’ve been through by Dec. 31? For many of us, it was a sad, frustrating year. All our personal plans ...

Season 1 Ep 7: Cynthia Messer – U of MN Extension | Tourism Center

Tourism makes up a significant piece of rural Minnesota’s economic pie. Our guest on this episode is Cynthia Messer, the director of the Tourism Center at the University of Minnesota Extension. She talked with CRPD president Julie Tesch about the research they do at the Tourism Center, the role tourism spending plays in Greater MN, ...
sunset over a lake

If you haven’t checked it out yet…

Our thanks go out to Tim Penny, president of the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation and former First District Congressman, for his opinion piece in last Sunday’s Minneapolis Star Tribune featuring our work on cost of living and how your dollar can go further in Greater Minnesota. The study itself is getting a lot of traction ...
person writing in notebook with computer and graphs

And the survey says…

By Marnie Werner, Vice President, Research Since the middle of March, that old Irish blessing/curse has been bouncing around in my head:  “May you live in interesting times.” I really, truly understand its full meaning now. The first half of 2020 has been interesting, to say the least. Never would I have guessed back in ...
downtown Litchfield

2020 State of Rural Minnesota report

An economic and demographic update of rural Minnesota By Kelly Asche, Research Associate & Marnie Werner, Vice President, Research For a printable version of the report, click here. Each year, the Center for Rural Policy and Development provides a brief update on various economic and demographic data pertaining to rural Minnesota. As policy discussions concerning ...

Health care webinar on YouTube

Our June 3, 2020, webinar on our recent report looking at the impact of mergers and service consolidations in rural health care is on our YouTube channel and ready for viewing.  Our report, “Integrating Rural into the New Reality of Health Care,” takes a look at what is behind the wave of health care facility ...
hospital finance

Integrating rural into the new reality of healthcare

Why the shift in how we pay for healthcare will drive further consolidations of rural healthcare services and what we can do about it May 2020 By Kelly Asche, Research Associate & Marnie Werner, Vice President, Research For a printable version of the report, click here. For a short video providing an overview of this ...