Tag: child care

RuralMN Radio: Letters to the new Governor

  Our newest publication is “Letters to the New Governor,” a collection of essays by experts around the state writing on an overview of the issues in Greater Minnesota. Some of the authors include Tim Penny and Charlie Weaver on why the Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota need each other, Gary Wertish and Kevin Paap ...

A quick note on child care

Feb. 27, 2019 Next week we’ll be releasing a new publication, “Letters to the New Governor,” a collection of essays written by people from around the state on various topics of importance to Greater Minnesota. One of those articles is on the current child care shortage, and the following is an excerpt. You’ll be able ...

The political balancing act, pt 2

  Reed Anfinson, editor and owner of the Swift County Monitor-News in Benson and the Grant County Herald in Elbow Lake, continues his conversation this week about the issues our new governor from Greater Minnesota will be working with. Transportation is, of course, big, and so is workforce housing. But the real problem, says Reed, ...

New York Mills working on a solution to child care need

FROM MINNPOST: “In New York Mills, a town of 1,100 people that passes by quickly on U.S. Highway 10, public agencies are working with nonprofit organizations and a handful of employers to create a day care cooperative that will provide care for at least some children who need a place to go. A center planned ...

Rochester Post Bulletin: Lack of child care can be ‘heartbreaking’

EXCERPT: “In Olmsted County, there is an estimated shortage of 1,082 licensed child care slots, according to recent information gathered by the Center for Rural Policy and Development. In Mower County, the number of licensed child care slots would need to increase by a staggering 82 percent to meet the estimated need. Fueling the shortage ...

Child care’s quiet crisis: an update

Last year’s report, “A Quiet Crisis: Minnesota’s Child Care Shortage,” raised a major conversation on the child care shortage facing all of Minnesota and the impact it is having on just not families but also on employers and the economy. A year later, we’re revisiting the issue with a two-page update, “Child Care’s Quiet Crisis: ...

Marnie Werner talks about the underlying issues behind the daycare shortage in rural MN

There’s been a lot of interest in the Center’s latest article, “A quiet crisis: Minnesota’s child care shortage,” and in fact we were invited to speak this week to the MN State Legislature’s joint task force on affordable child care, which was set up to look into the issue of the current shortage. The circumstances and effects ...

The search for child care

This week the Center’s research director Marnie Werner talks about the Center’s newest publication, “A quiet crisis: Minnesota’s child care crisis.” The number of in-home family child care providers has dropped precipitously in the last ten to twenty years, and it causing problems not just for families but for their employers as well. Minnesota’s child ...