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Employment projections before and after the pandemic

January, 2021 By Kelly Asche, Research Associate Last week the Center released a new report on the state of rural Minnesota’s workforce. In 2019, we assembled a four-part series on rural Minnesota’s worker shortage, it’s impact on economic growth in Greater Minnesota, and what rural communities are doing about the problem. Now, almost a year into the ...

Mankato Free Press: Broadband crucial at Capitol but funding questions remain

EXCERPT: “Area lawmakers say broadband funding will be a crucial issue in this year’s legislative session, but no one is certain just how much the state will spend. COVID-related regulations and lockdown efforts exacerbated Greater Minnesota’s need for better internet access over the past year, giving urgency to the Capitol’s annual debate over broadband infrastructure. ...

Season 1 Ep 16: Pandemic’s impact on the rural workforce

Last week we released our report exploring how the pandemic has impacted jobs and the workforce in Rural Minnesota. And on this episode, we get to dive in a bit deeper into this topic with a couple of our Workforce Development Boards and a labor analyst with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development ...

Kaiser Family Foundation: The Challenge Of Vaccine Hesitancy In Rural America

EXCERPT: “Getting shots into arms in rural Americans, most of whom see getting the vaccine as a personal choice and not a social responsibility to protect others, is a problem that will require tailored outreach and messaging. It underscores that a cookie cutter approach to vaccine hesitancy campaigns will not work. Even as coronavirus surges in ...

Rural unemployment and participation in the labor force

By Kelly Asche, Research associate & Marnie Werner, VP Research This week the Center is released a new report on the state of rural Minnesota’s workforce. In 2019, we assembled a four-part series on rural Minnesota’s worker shortage, it’s impact on economic growth in Greater Minnesota, and what rural communities are doing about the problem. ...

Pandemic paints a different employment picture in rural Minnesota

Pandemic paints a different employment picture in rural Minnesota January 2021 By Kelly Asche, Research Associate, & Marnie Werner, Director of Research For a printable version of this report, click here. Our podcast episode diving deeper into this research can be found here. On January 21st, 2021 we hosted a webinar presenting this research as ...

KEYC-TV: Minnesota students speak out about distance learning

EXCERPT: “After nearly a year of modified instruction in many school districts across the state, some Minnesota students are not giving distance learning high marks. More than a half-dozen students representing various communities shared their frustrations over the learning model during the House Education Finance Committee’s first meeting of the session. They all agreed the ...