MinnPost: Standing up for small towns

EXCERPT: “By spring 2020, if all goes according to plan, Granite Falls, Minnesota, pop. 2,800, will have something no other city its size can boast of: an artist-in-residence, embedded within local government. The program will be supported in part by a $50,000 Our Town grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. The artist will live in a newly renovated apartment in a donated building on Main Street called YES! House. The apartment will be big enough for a small family. The rest of the building will be a community art space. Theater and social practice artist Ashley Hanson, who applied for the NEA grant with the city of Granite Falls, has a ‘dream version’ of what this will mean: ‘The artist is either somebody who lives in Minnesota, or somebody nationally who comes and participates in this. Someone who falls so in love with the city of Granite Falls, and their family falls in love with the city of Granite Falls, that they decide to move there. That would be the ideal version.'” FULLSTORY: http://bit.ly/30RSLPb