MinnPost: In a statewide election, do candidates really need to bother with Greater Minnesota? | Center for Rural Policy and Development

MinnPost: In a statewide election, do candidates really need to bother with Greater Minnesota?

EXCERPT: “The candidates Minnesotans send to the governor’s mansion, elect to the U.S. Senate and pick for other statewide offices will depend on something obvious come November: who gets the most votes. What’s less obvious — and what campaigns for the people vying for those positions will be working out over the next several months — is how exactly to go about getting those votes, which are unevenly distributed across the state. At a time when politicians are increasingly talking about an urban-rural divide, that fact also leads to something of an impolitic question: Can you win a statewide election in Minnesota by focusing only on voters in the Twin Cities metro area?” FULLSTORY: http://bit.ly/2Kz5w8I