Minnesota Department of Health: New report traces health impacts of air pollution across Minnesota

EXCERPT: “While air quality in Minnesota is generally good, a new joint analysis by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) found that air pollution that does occur plays a measurable role in deaths and hospitalizations across the state. The report, titled ‘Life and Breath: How Air Pollution Affects Health in Minnesota,’ broadens the scope of a 2015 analysis covering only the Twin Cities metro area. The new report looked at air pollution and health data from outside the metro area. It found that air pollution’s impact on health is not limited to the state’s urban core and even people in rural areas can feel the effects. The report notes that while air quality in Minnesota currently meets federal standards, even low and moderate levels of air pollution can contribute to serious illnesses and early death.” FULLSTORY: http://bit.ly/2KH12jv