HealthDay: Pregnant Women in Rural America Often Lack Health Insurance, Upping Risks

EXCERPT: “New research suggests that pregnant women and new moms in rural U.S. areas are at greater risk of adverse outcomes, including death, because they are more likely to be uninsured. Women living in rural communities had lower rates of uninterrupted health insurance before, during and after pregnancy compared to those in urban areas, a University of Michigan study found. ‘Being uninsured during the time of pregnancy has been associated with less adequate prenatal and postpartum care, which decreases opportunities to address risk factors affecting health outcomes for both the birthing person and baby,’ said lead author Dr. Lindsay Admon. She’s an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Michigan Medical School. ‘Our study suggests that uninsurance disproportionately affects rural residents during pivotal stages of pregnancy,’ Admon said in a school news release. Past research has shown that women in rural areas have greater risks for severe complications during pregnancy, birth and afterward. Many times, they also have limited access to local obstetric services and live farther from care. For the new study, researchers analyzed survey data obtained from nearly 155,000 postpartum women in 43 states between 2016 and 2019. About 16% lived in rural areas.” FULL STORY: