EXCERPT: “‘Thriving by Design, Rural and Urban Together,’ was a large scale and innovative three-day gathering at the Prairie’s Edge Casino Resort co-hosted by OneMn.org and Growth & Justice. Participants and Delegates willing to carry the events mission forward, converged for three days to begin developing a comprehensive ‘One Minnesota Equity Blueprint, a policy agenda aimed at healing Minnesota’s divisions and ensuring more equitable economic growth’ per the partner organizations statement . . . Dinner for the evening was a cozy park picnic of about 100, sharing a long, “OneMn” size table. The décor, food and event planning were all locally sourced in the Granite Falls area. A performance by The Theater of Public Policy was held at Blue Nose Gopher Brewery were participants learned about the local co-op while being entertained.” FULLSTORY: http://bit.ly/2IXf3Ff