Finance & Commerce: Greater Minnesota faces aging housing product, report says

EXCERPT: “Parts of Greater Minnesota are continuing to see their available housing stock grow older and older without much new product coming online, according to a new report from the Minnesota Housing Partnership. Three regions in Greater Minnesota, the northland, southwest and southern, all have a housing stock where over 40% of both rentals and for-sale homes were built prior to 1970. The northland, with cities like Duluth and Hibbing, has the highest percentage with 50% of its rental units in this category and 51% of its for-sale homes do too. For the southwest, with cities like Marshall, 40% of rentals and 56% of homes are older than 54 years. Anne Mavity, the executive director of the Minnesota Housing Partnership, said an important part of making sure people have access to affordable housing is preserving the homes that are already built. As homes age, they require further attention and resources to be preserved as quality products.” FULL STORY: