Civil Eats: The End of Pandemic Safety-Net Programs May Cause Rural Food Insecurity to Rise

EXCERPT: “Nationally, one in six people, about 17.6 percent, face food insecurity, said Geri Henchy, Director of Nutrition Policy and Early Childhood Programs with the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) in Washington, D. C. Henchy said food insufficiency, which measures how many people do not have access to enough food, affected one in 10 Americans this year. Data showed that 9.7 percent of American households reported having food insufficiency between June 9 and June 21, 2021. In households with children, 13 percent reported food insufficiency. A reported 18.3 percent of Black households and 16 percent of Latinx households reported food insufficiency during the same time period. While FRAC’s latest study did not specifically address rural areas, Henchy said she expected it to mirror previous studies that showed higher rates of food insecurity in rural areas, like the rural South.” FULL STORY: