Category: Videos

Wages can go further in Greater Minnesota – video summary

  The common dialogue among employers and potential employees in Rural Minnesota goes like this; “Yeah, but the wages are so low”….”True, but the cost of living is so low”. This video summarizes our report that analyzes this debate and found that, yes, the lower wages found in Rural Minnesota can go further in meeting ...

Why is health care getting harder to access in rural MN?

  Healthcare is a vital service for everyone, but policies meant to make healthcare more affordable have been making it less accessible in rural areas. In our latest explainer video, we show what’s going on and share some ideas on what to do about it. You can read the full report, “Integrating rural into the ...

Health care webinar on YouTube

Our June 3, 2020, webinar on our recent report looking at the impact of mergers and service consolidations in rural health care is on our YouTube channel and ready for viewing.  Our report, “Integrating Rural into the New Reality of Health Care,” takes a look at what is behind the wave of health care facility ...
What is rural? Farm, cows, grain.

What is Rural?

  We asked the all-important question, “What is rural?” The first in our new set of videos on rural issues and research provides the answer!