Category: Videos

Webinar: Rural child care solutions, from the ground up

We know there’s a child care shortage, especially in rural areas. The question now is, “What do we do about it?” In our September 2022 webinar, we review the results of a survey conducted by the Center for Rural Policy & Development looking at a sample of the initiatives going on around Minnesota to address ...

Webinar – COVID-19, by the numbers

COVID-19 didn’t just impact the health of rural communities, it also deeply impacted the local economy and workforce. In this webinar, Kelly Asche from the Center for Rural Policy and Development examines recently released jobs and workforce data during the pandemic. Three panelists join the conversation to discuss the numbers and dive deeper into the ...

Webinar – What is the future of Rural EMS?

Ambulance services save lives every day, and rural communities deserve as much access to emergency medical services as anyone else. Our latest report asks the question: What are the next steps we should take to ensure a strong rural EMS in the future? On Wednesday, April 20 from 2:30-4:00pm we presented the findings in our ...

Research explainer video – Amazon effect and rural tax revenues

Online sales have permeated everyday life and their impacts stretch beyond convenience of shopping. Local leaders see the evidence every day in their communities: more and more delivery trucks going down their roads, stopping at their neighbors’ or their own houses, dropping off products that were once maybe purchased in their own or a nearby ...

Webinar – Rural Minnesota and the battle against COVID

In many ways COVID-19 has been particularly difficult in rural Minnesota. During this webinar we talk with Mayo Clinic Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. John O’Horo to discuss the trends in rural Minnesota through the COVID pandemic and what to expect as we move forward. Joining him are panelists from around the state to discuss their ...

Interconnected – Building Understanding Between Rural & Urban Communities

Welcome to season 2 of the INTERCONNECTED conversation series hosted by the Center for Rural Policy & Development and the Citizens League. Wherever you live, you have undoubtedly encountered the term “Urban/Rural Divide” that describes a divisive narrative in policy and politics based on geographic differences. In reality, we all want similar things – good ...

Webinar: Shifting energy infrastructure and rural Minnesota

  In 2007, Minnesota set a goal of reducing the state’s carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. Since then, electric utilities have been making significant progress, but not enough to meet the state’s interim carbon-reduction goals.   What does this shifting energy infrastructure mean for rural Minnesota? On Thursday, January 20, research associate, Whitney Oachs, ...

Rural Minnesota and the Battle Against COVID

Minnesota has had some of the highest vaccination rates in the United States, but has still struggled among the nation’s highest COVID case rates in recent weeks. This webinar, hosted by CRPD and the COVID Collaborative, is a  conversation about how the pandemic has unfolded in rural Minnesota, what can be done to keep more ...

Webinar: Amazon effect on rural tax revenues

On Thursday, December 9, 2021 we hosted a webinar presenting the results from our report on the “Amazon Effect” and rural sales tax revenues.  Along with our researchers, we heard from panelists with firsthand experience on the effects of online shopping: small business owners and county officials. Panelists included: Kelly Asche – Research Associate, CRPD ...