Category: Our Research Reports

Minnesota Internet Survey (2007)

This survey was conducted via telephone interview in December 2007 and January 2008 across the entire state using samples generated through a random-digit dialing method for the Twin Cities area and Greater Minnesota. The data collection process yielded 757 completed interviews from the 80 counties defining Greater Minnesota and 776 from the seven-county Twin Cities ...

Institutional Change in Local Governance (2007)

There are two general conclusions to draw from the Monticello experience. The first has to do with the unreasonable barrier to entry posed by the 65% requirement for a municipality to construct a local exchange. This is widely understood to be a serious barrier to entry. The general argument for such a vote is that ...

2006 Minnesota Internet Study: Broadband enters the mainstream

Our statewide estimate at the end of 2006 is that 1,393,267 households, or 68.7 percent of all Minnesota households, currently possess at least one working computer., and socio-demographic factors such as age, income, or whether school-age children are present in the home continue to be excellent predictors of technology adoption in both rural and metro ...

Latino Students in Public Schools: A Closer Look (2006)

In May 2001 the State Demographic Center issued a widely disseminated report that clearly documented a virtual doubling between 1990 and 2000 of the number of Minnesotans who identified themselves as either nonwhite or Hispanic (McMurry, 2001). Further, the report went on to document that the number of Minnesotans who identified themselves as Hispanic increased ...