Category: Our Research Reports

Examining Efficiency in our Public Schools (2003)

On most measures of success such as graduation rates, parental involvement and achievement test scores, small rural schools consistently confirm their value. However, others argue that due to their small enrollments, many rural school districts simply cannot achieve the necessary critical mass and subsequent economies of scale to reach fiscal efficiency; that the most rational ...

Addressing Diversity: Making a Difference in our Communities (2003)

After the release of the report in December 2001 we had a real desire to provide some tangible assistance to communities that were experiencing rapid demographic transformation and diversification. We found that, as with most things, some communities were very active in their diversity efforts while other communities were not. Accordingly, we began to compile ...

How will rural Minnesota fare with the 2003 legislature?

When the Minnesota Legislature reconvenes on January 7, 2003, much will have changed. Two primary changes are first that 36 of the state’s 67 legislative districts now fall within the seven-county Twin Cities metro area. This translates into seating 108 metro area legislators, more than twice the 51 metro area legislators that were seated in ...