Category: Our Research Reports

The 2005 Minnesota Internet Study: An examination of metro/rural differences in digital technology adoption

Our statewide estimate at the end of 2005 is that 1,379,570 or 68.0 percent of all Minnesota households currently possess at least one working computer; 1,208,526 or 59.6 percent of all Minnesota households currently maintain a home Internet connection; and 737,397 or 36.4 percent of all Minnesota households connect to the Internet from home using ...

Rural Minnesota Journal, Issue 1, 2006

In our first issue of the Rural Minnesota Journal, and in every issue after, we worked to bring readers information and analysis from the state’s top thinkers on the issues concerning Greater Minnesota and its residents. Issue 1 is an introduction to the broad issues and ways to think about them. RMJ: Volume 1, Issue ...

2004 Rural Minnesota Internet Study: Monitoring the rise of broadband use in Greater Minnesota households

In 2004, growth in the overall number of rural households that reported owning a home computer or have Internet connectivity appears to be flat, while growth among those households switching from a dial-up Internet service to a broadband service seems to be quite robust. Based upon these findings we are now estimating that one third ...