Category: Rural Headlines

Hutchinson Leader: Peterson weighs in on farm programs

EXCERPT: “President Donald Trump’s proposed budget, which calls for $231 billion in reductions to spending, shouldn’t scare anyone. But the cuts it suggests are red flags. That’s the take of U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson, a Blue Dog Democrat who represents Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District. He was in Hutchinson Friday for Dairy Day, and stopped by the ...

KEYC-TV: International Trade Representatives Assess Soybeans in Waseca

  Excerpt: “A group of international feed buyers made their way to Waseca to get a firsthand look at a Minnesota soybean operation. In an effort to expand international markets and create relationships with overseas buyers, the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council initiated the farm visit. ‘We export 56% of our product outside of the country ...

Minnesota Joins U.S. Climate Alliance

EXCERPT: “The U.S. Climate Alliance announced that Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia have all joined the coalition, which is committed to upholding the Paris Accord and taking aggressive action on climate change. In response to President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, New York Gov. Andrew ...

Morris Sun Tribune: Morris Ag Research Lab Slated for Closure

EXCERPT: “The USDA Agricultural Research Service lab in Morris is slated to be closed under President Donald Trump’s budget but a local advocacy group is already working to make sure it doesn’t happen . . . The ARS lab in Morris has an annual budget of $2.8 million, representatives of the Barnes-Aastad Soil & Water ...

Minnesota Farm Guide: Skin cancer survivor shares his story to raise awareness

EXCERPT: “May is melanoma awareness month. This is a good time for everyone to consider their own proactive approach to managing skin cancer risk. Ag professionals – whether farmers planting, consultants making recommendations, or applicators spreading fertilizer – need to be aware of the dangers of sun exposure. “Many of us in agriculture spend a ...

Lawmaker: Buffer Zones “Huge” Issue in 2017 Session

From Don Davis via The Forum, EXCERPT: “Environment-related spending and policy changes come in a lot of bills, but the most discussed issue has been buffers. “The buffer stuff is huge,” House Environment Chairman Dan Fabian, R-Roseau, said. Dayton upset a lot of farmers when he began pushing for a law, passed in 2015, to require ...

Shrimp Farm Planned in Minnesota

From Mikkel Pates via Forum News Service, EXCERPT: “It’s counter-intuitive to start an inland shrimp business in Minnesota, but Michael Ziebell is building more than that. “We’re building a very large, fully-integrated shrimp company,” he says. And by the way — a new protein industry for the Upper Midwest. Ziebell is president and chief executive officer of ...

Rural diversity manifests itself in form of tech industry, foodie culture

Communities in South Central and Southwest Minnesota have embraced means and modes of the present in hopes of positioning their humble abodes towards a chic and tech-forward future. In Wilmar, the MinnWest Technology Campus has spawned an epicenter of industry with 31 businesses grounded in bioscience, agriculture and technology that employ 550 rural Minnesotans. Among ...