Category: Rural Headlines

Childcare collaboration in Franklin “should be a model”

EXCERPT: From the New Ulm Journal — Minnesota’s Human Services Assistant Commissioner Jim Koppel visited a new childcare center in Franklin to celebrate a success that he’s like to see repeated around the state. Koppel visited the 6-month-old Cougar Cub Child Care Center to emphasize the challenges facing childcare, particularly in greater Minnesota. Read the ...

From Too Much to Too Little: How the central U.S. drought of 2012 evolved out of one of the most devastating floods on record in 2011

Minnesota State Climatologist Greg Spoden writes about the 2012 drought’s lasting impact on the state in a report issued by the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. EXCERPT: “Minnesota is facing increased pressure on its water resources. This pressure is accentuated during drought. Minnesotans used a record amount of water in 2012. Even in a water-rich state ...

New Ulm Journal: New Ulm summer lunch program victim of regulations

EXCERPT: “New Ulm—By now, most affected people know ISD 88 is not serving free lunch for kids this summer. Details as to why, however, may still be foggy for most…. “‘We are not area-eligible anymore,” Director of Dining Services Teri Jespersen said during the District 88 May study session. “We kind of really never have ...

Farm Bill Listening Session Highlights Farmfest Forums

EXCERPT: “A U.S. House Agriculture Committee “Listening Session” on the next Farm Bill will highlight the feature Forums at FARMFEST this year. The Farm Bill “Listening Session” will be held on Thursday, August 3, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, and is titled: “The Next Farm Bill …… Conversations in the Field”. The event will ...

WNAX Radio: Ag Group Says Conservation Funding Should Be Top Farm Bill Priority

EXCERPT: “Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley says as lawmakers craft the new farm bill the funding priorities should be crop insurance number one followed by snap and the third being conservation. Minnesota Land Stewardship Project’s Policy Program Organizer Ben Anderson says conservation should be the top priority and crop insurance needs refining” INTERVIEW: ...

Bloomberg: Trump’s Rural Broadband Goal Won’t Be Easy, and It’ll Be Costly

EXCERPT: “President Donald Trump has promised to expand broadband service to rural areas as part of his $1 trillion nationwide infrastructure plan. That may be easier said than done. It would take an estimated $80 billion to extend broadband to all U.S. areas that lack it, but the White House has initially proposed spending just $25 billion over ...