Category: Rural Headlines


Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Minnesota: Diabetes in Minnesota

EXCERPT: “According to Blue Cross data*, diabetes accounts for 6.3 percent of loss of good health in Minnesota. The Twin Cities area has the lowest diabetes impact, at 5.2 percent, while northwestern counties are hit the hardest with an impact of 8.1 percent. Minnesota’s northwestern counties also demonstrate a significant disparity in the impact of ...

Minnesota Department of Human Services: Great need for quality child care in rural Minnesota

EXCERPT: “Human Services Assistant Commissioner Jim Koppel visited Cedar Mountain Cougar Childcare Center in Franklin, Minn., to emphasize the importance of quality child care, and highlight businesses and communities coming together to address the need for child care. ‘Without consistent, quality child care, children often struggle and are not prepared to enter kindergarten, and parents ...

Forum News Service: Suicides make farm crisis real

EXCERPT: “Bob Worth barely kept his composure as he revealed two close friends, both fellow farmers, recently committed suicide. They killed themselves over agriculture stresses, he said, speaking as part of a panel discussion about challenges of farming. “Don’t ever do that to your family,” he urged farmers in the Tuesday, Aug. 1, audience at Farmfest ...

Mankato Free Press: Farmfest sprouted in Vernon Center

EXCERPT: “The community of Vernon Center gained national and even international attention during the week of Sept. 11-17, 1972. Shady Brook Farms just north of the town, owned by Bert Hansen, became the site of the 19th World Ploughing Contest. The yearly gathering blossomed into a 1,400-acre agricultural extravaganza with more than a 1,000 acres of ...


EXCERPT:  “Farmers attending last week’s National Corn Growers Association Corn Congress called for faster access to new biotechnology-enhanced crop traits.  The move reflects growing frustration among NCGA members over excessive regulatory delays in the international marketplace . . . The NCGA’s new policy supports the commercialization of new biotechnology-enhanced corn traits that: a) have been ...

Forum News Service: Young Minnesota producer in unexpected career

EXCERPT: “A new program, one which (Hoffman, MN farmer Andrew) Barsness worked to create, should help beginning farmers in Minnesota. The program, approved this spring, gives a state income tax credit to landowners when they sell or rent land or other ag assets to beginning farmers. The credit equals 5 percent of the sale price, or ...