Category: Rural Headlines

Mentally ill lack treatment options

Forum News Service: Rural health — Mentally ill lack treatment options

EXCERPT: “A mentally ill person should not be treated for the disease in an emergency room. Or sitting in a jail. But that is what often happens in rural Minnesota, where there are not enough health care professionals such as psychiatrists to treat them. And there are not enough psychiatric hospital beds even if the ...

Indian Country Today: Fond du Lac Bridges the Digital Divide

EXCERPT: “Some 900 homes on the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa reservation will soon gain something that 80 percent of U.S. residents already take for granted—home access to high-speed Internet service. Thanks to two $3 million U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grants, plus an additional $2.2 million investment from the tribe, some 160 miles of ...
WNYC Youth Build

WNYC: Program Aims to Empower Disconnected Youth in Rural Communities

EXCERPT: “For the roughly five million young Americans who find themselves both unemployed and not in school, those living in rural communities face a unique set of challenges. Transportation is a huge issue for those who live hours away from the nearest resources, and jobs remain scarce in local economies that have seen unemployment persist for ...
Map of Minnesota by county types

Pine Journal: Greater Minnesota — How we’re changing

EXCERPT: “Our state’s demographic center published a report that helps clarify the complex relationships among Greater Minnesota counties, cities and towns of all sizes. Remarkably innovative, they studied not just where people live but the relationships among cities and towns — how people live and work across city and county boundaries. They group us as living ...
Marshall Independent: A Pitch for Better Health

Marshall Independent: A Pitch for Better Health

EXCERPT: “(Minnesota Department of Health Commissioner Ed) Ehlinger spoke with members of the Southwest Health and Human Services board on Wednesday morning, before meeting with a group of community members in the park. Ehlinger said Minnesota is the fourth healthiest state in the nation, and it has had some positive traits — like a willingness to invest ...