Category: Rural Headlines

The Atlantic: Rural America’s Neglected Higher-Education Problem

EXCERPT: “Only 59 percent of rural high-school graduates enroll in college the subsequent fall, according to the National Student Clearinghouse. That’s a lower proportion than students from urban and suburban areas. ‘It was amazing to me as a journalist—and embarrassing’ to realize that college-going is less common among students in rural America, says Jon Marcus, the ...

Forest Lake Times: Parks and Trails Legacy Advisory Committee seeks applicants

EXCERPT: “The Department of Natural Resources, the Metropolitan Council, and the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission are seeking qualified applicants to serve on the Parks and Trails Legacy Advisory Committee. ‘The Parks and Trails Legacy Advisory Committee plays a critical role in helping us achieve the vision Minnesotans have for use of the ...

Hometown Focus: $26 million for 39 broadband projects in Greater Minnesota announced

EXCERPT: “Lt. Governor Tina Smith and the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) announced the 2017 Border to Border Broadband Grant recipients. The grants total $26 million for 39 broadband infrastructure projects that will provide 9,973 households, 2,169 businesses, and 60 community institutions across Minnesota access to reliable, affordable high-speed Internet . . .The ...

MinnPost: Minnesota taxpayers largely said ‘yes’ to more school funding. But what does the future look like for the districts that struck out?

EXCERPT: “This fall, 98 school districts in Minnesota asked voters to approve referendums to support everything from reducing class sizes and avoiding staff cuts to investing in building upgrades, construction projects, safety improvements and technology . . . Despite the success that many districts celebrated last week, (the Minnesota School Boards Association’s Greg) Abbott took note ...

Minnesota Public Radio: Minnesota small towns envision a driverless future

EXCERPT: “When most transportation wonks predict how self-driving vehicles will be used in the not-too-distant future, it sounds a lot like how people currently get a ride through Uber or Lyft — just without the driver . . . But that model is designed primarily for cities or suburbs where lots of people live relatively ...

Forum News Service: Greater Minnesota has jobs, but not enough homes

EXCERPT: “The story is that greater Minnesota loses population because there are not enough jobs. However, many greater Minnesota communities actually have plenty of jobs, leaving areas short of housing for workers that businesses and industries need. Some industries have resorted to busing in workers and some have helped finance housing in an effort to ...

Duluth News Tribune: Rural Minnesota gets $26 million broadband boost

EXCERPT: “Just as it took an extra taxpayer push to get electricity to rural areas, so too will rural internet service be delivered on the backs of the collective. Thousands more rural Minnesotans and businesses will soon have access to high-speed internet with the help of $26 million in state grants for 39 projects around ...