Category: Rural Headlines

MinnPost: Why Central Minnesota’s population has exploded over the last few decades

EXCERPT: “At a time when many Minnesota regions are growing slowly, or projected to lose population in the future, expansion is something that sets Central Minnesota apart…This region, which encompasses Benton, Cass, Chisago, Crow Wing, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd, Wadena and Wright counties, added nearly 140,000 residents between 2000 and 2016, ...

Politico: America’s digital divide, in 2 maps

EXCERPT: “The divide between America’s haves and have nots is increasingly marked by technology. A broadband connection is a portal to jobs, to education, to consumer goods, to information and to other people. Yet huge swaths of the United States are still unconnected, particularly in rural areas. Some areas lack access to an internet connection ...

Governor candidates’ forum: Watch the video

The Center, along with the Minnesota Newspaper Association and Compeer Financial, hosted its first gubernatorial candidates’ forum on January 26 during MNA’s annual convention. Our moderator Mary Lahammer led the candidates in one-on-one conversations about just rural issues, ranging from workforce and housing to broadband and water. All nine candidates participated, giving the 150 or ...

Farm Bureau: What the Transportation Plan Could Mean to Rural America

EXCERPT: “Infrastructure was a significant topic of discussion during the president’s 2018 State of the Union address. The administration has been teasing an infrastructure plan for over a year, but this year’s SOTU, as well as documents released and leaked from the White House, add some meat to the bone, and begin to tell us ...

Healthcare Finance: Why Medicare 340B benefits rural hospitals the most

EXCERPT: “The majority of hospitals, 85 percent, will see net payment increases from recent Medicare Part B outpatient payment changes, with rural hospitals seeing much greater-than-average overall payment increases for 2018. The findings are included in new research from Avalere Health commissioned by the Community Oncology Alliance. The study investigates the net financial impact of a restructuring of ...

Duluth News Tribune: Super Bowl tourism will hit Northland … eventually

EXCERPT: “‘Overall, the biggest opportunity for Greater Minnesota is the additional exposure to not only those here for the game, but those watching from around the world who may have never visited or thought of visiting Minnesota before,’ said Explore Minnesota spokeswoman Erica Wacker. ‘They will see what a cool state it is, and may be ...

MinnPost: Dynamics of the rural-urban divide explored at MinnPost Social

EXCERPT: “The 2017-18 MinnPost Social season continued Wednesday evening, when more than 100 people gathered at the Happy Gnome in St. Paul to discuss the urban/rural divide in Minnesota . . . MinnPost editor Andy Putz moderated the conversation, which touched on the degree to which metro and Greater Minnesota have similar — or different ...

MinnPost: The reality of oral health disparities in Minnesota

EXCERPT: “Rural Minnesotans tend to have poorer oral health outcomes when compared to urban residents because of a  lack of access to dental providers, lack of dental insurance, and lack of reliable transportation. However, rural health is not a top priority during legislative sessions, and dental care is further on the backburner. The harsher reality ...