Category: Rural Headlines

Cities Speak: Closing Urban-Rural Divide to Achieve Equity

EXCERPT: “Far from being an ‘urban only’ issue, both urban and rural communities in Minnesota struggle to achieve racial equity and immigrant integration. Two efforts within the state, Thriving by Design and One Minnesota Equity Blueprint, are working to spread the facts about these shared challenges, create opportunities to tackle them together and address the urban-rural divide as ...

Park Rapids Enterprise: Minnesota kids take part in chemical exposure study

EXCERPT: “The Minnesota Department of Health is conducting a study on chemicals that may harm development in children, and volunteer families from Becker County are among those taking part. The Healthy Rural and Urban Kids Project measures preschoolers’ exposure to metals, air pollution, diesel exhaust and different agricultural and home pesticides through urine samples provided by ...

Houston County News: Southeast Minnesota is poised to grow over the next 25 years; here’s what a group of cities wants to do about it

EXCERPT: “There will be 50,000 more people living in southeastern Minnesota in the next 25 years. There will be 44,000 more jobs. And there will need to be 14,000 more housing units. That’s according to an economic forecast study released Tuesday by the Southeastern Minnesota League of Municipalities, a municipal organization of 65 communities in Dodge, ...

St. Cloud Times: In tight labor market, companies with increased holiday demand may struggle hiring workers

EXCERPT: “If employers thought they were having a hard time hiring this year, companies looking for seasonal holiday workers are expecting an even tougher time finding help. According to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, there are more job vacancies in greater Minnesota than unemployed people for the first time since DEED started tracking job ...

West Central Tribune: Walz, Johnson stick to common themes in Willmar forum

EXCERPT: “The views of Minnesota’s future provided by its major candidates for governor could hardly be more different. During a 90-minute forum Tuesday in Willmar, they stuck to some main themes. Democratic-Farmer-Labor candidate Tim Walz returned frequently to his plan to build coalitions and find solutions to problems that work for the state as a whole. Republican ...

MinnPost: How immigration is changing high school sports in Greater Minnesota

EXCERPT: “Practice is still on for this late-summer weekday afternoon, despite barely escaping a rainstorm that passed through this southern Minnesota city of 13,000 people in the last few hours. Nearly 60 teenage boys are already here, stretching and getting ready to begin. The school’s girls soccer team, of which about 50 students showed up ...

Minnesota Public Radio: Southern Minn. towns fed up with telecom service

EXCERPT: “You would expect to look up to see Frontier Communications telephone lines in the town of Ceylon, neatly swaying from traditional wood utility poles. But in parts of town, look down. There they are — black cables snaking through the grass. ‘There’s three lines there, that are just laying across the ground,’ said John Gibeau, ...

KNOX-Radio: East Grand Forks – LGA

EXCERPT: “The decline in Local Government Aid for East Grand Forks has caught the attention of the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities. The lobbying arm for rural Minnesota says a fix in the complicated L-G-A formula is needed during the 2019 legislative session. The Coalition’s Marty Siefert told city council members this week – it’s ...