Category: Rural Headlines

USDA Launches High-Speed Broadband e-Connectivity Resource Guide

EXCERPT: “Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development Anne Hazlett today announced the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has launched a new toolkit to help support the deployment of high-speed broadband e-Connectivity in rural communities. ‘High-speed broadband e-Connectivity is becoming more and more essential to doing business, delivering health care, and, for schoolchildren, doing ...

MinnPost: Small companies harness North Shore’s branding power

EXCERPT: “In preparation for last February’s Super Bowl, held at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Twin Cities boosters pushed a ‘Bold North’ theme that advertised the state’s hearty embrace of winter. In recent years, the Dayton brothers, Andrew and Eric, sons of the former governor, have stressed the “North” in their products, such as the clothing ...

Hibbing Daily Tribune: Governor Walz’s Message to Northern Minnesota

EXCERPT: “A month before being sworn into office, Gov. Tim Walz and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan embarked on their ‘One Minnesota Listening Tour’ for which they traveled 2,100 miles across the state. In five days, the duo made three stops in the state’s Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation service area, including Hibbing, Silver Bay and Grand ...

Minnesota Lawyer: Keith Ellison seeks criminal unit boost

EXCERPT: “Attorney General Keith Ellison told lawmakers last week that he will seek money this year to expand his office’s criminal division. In his first testimony before any legislative committee on Jan. 17, Ellison told the Senate State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee that his biennial budget request will seek to bulk up that unit . ...

Marshall Independent: Walz says Minnesota won’t leave anyone behind

EXCERPT: ” It was getting crowded at the 19 & 75 Cafe. In addition to residents from the Ivanhoe area, people were arriving from Lyon and even Redwood County to meet with new Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. The turnout was a positive sign, Walz said. As he addressed the people gathered at the cafe, Walz emphasized the need ...