Category: Rural Headlines

MinnPost: Rural Minnesotans struggle to access opioid addiction treatment

EXCERPT: “Kicking an opioid habit takes serious commitment. Methadone, the drug commonly used to curb withdrawal symptoms as a person tapers off heroin, requires supervised daily dosing in a state-licensed opioid treatment program (OTP) for the first month or more. After that, many patients can take a month’s worth of medication home with them, but federal ...

Worthington Globe: Educators, administrators, students testify to unique educational needs of Greater Minnesota school districts

EXCERPT: “A number of school superintendents, board of education members, teachers and students from across the region took to the stand Friday to share with Minnesota legislators the unique educational needs of Greater Minnesota school districts. During an approximately two-hour long field hearing at Windom Area Middle/High School, those affected most by education finance and policy ...

Austin Herald: Lawmakers introduce bipartisan legislation to boost LGA program

EXCERPT: “City officials are hopeful that bipartisan legislation introduced Thursday in the Minnesota Legislature will give a long-awaited boost to the state’s Local Government Aid (LGA) program. SF 1304/HF 1102, led by chief authors Sen. Bill Weber (R-Luverne) and Rep. Dave Lislegard (DFL-Aurora), aims to increase LGA funding by $30.5 million, the amount needed to bring ...

Forum News Service: Lawmakers seek solutions in child care shortage

EXCERPT: “Minnesota lawmakers weighed some of the first proposals aimed at addressing the shortage of child care providers in Minnesota’s rural areas Wednesday, Feb. 13. Lawmakers on the Senate Committee on Family Care and Aging advanced two bills that would set aside up $10 million in grants to help child care providers in Greater Minnesota expand ...

Forum News Service: Walz administration to petition for reconsideration, let Line 3 pipeline appeal advance

EXCERPT: “The Minnesota Department of Commerce will continue to appeal Enbridge Energy’s proposed Line 3 oil pipeline, Gov. Tim Walz announced Tuesday morning, Feb. 12. Walz said his administration, through the Department of Commerce, will petition the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission to reconsider the certificate of need it granted to the project, allowing an appeal filed ...

WNAX-Radio: Rural Grocery Stores Fading Away

EXCERPT: “The Minnesota House Ag committee got an update on the latest Minnesota Rural Grocery Survey. The University of Minnesota’s Kathy Draeger says there are only about 250 local “main street” grocery stores remaining in Greater Minnesota. Draeger says rural Minnesota is losing these ‘main street’ stores at an unprecedented rate–which can have a significant ...