Category: Rural Headlines

West Central Tribune: Minnesota County to Study Rural Broadband Gaps, Options

EXCERPT: “Kandiyohi County, Minn., is taking fresh aim at a long-sought goal of widening the availability of high-speed Internet service, especially to neighborhoods that remain unserved or underserved. The County Board voted Tuesday to help fund an engineering study that will examine the feasibility of bringing broadband to rural homes and businesses in Dovre, Mamre and ...

Forum News Service: Will some areas be left behind when 5G arrives in region?

EXCERPT: “Justin Forde believes the viability of wireless broadband service for sparsely populated rural areas is visible from the top of the Farmers Cooperative Elevator that towers over this Red River Valley farming community. On a recent hazy June afternoon, standing on top of the 190-foot tall grain elevator, Forde showed visitors the gadgetry that ...

WKBT-TV: Numbers on seat belt citations in Minnesota

EXCERPT: “The number of drivers cited for seat belt violations declines for a fifth straight year during the annual ‘Click It or Ticket’ campaign. Between May 20 and June 20 in 2018, Minnesota law enforcement issued over 4600 seat belt citations and 141 for child seat violations. That’s nearly 2,000 fewer than in 2017 and less ...