Category: Rural Headlines

Mankato Free Press: Blue Earth County faces tough broadband costs

EXCERPT: “If Blue Earth County wants to have rural broadband internet, it’s going to have to pay a potentially unworkable amount of money . . . That’s what consultants recently found in a broadband feasibility study, which they presented to the Blue Earth County Board Tuesday…According to the study, it could cost more than $35 ...

MinnPost: How Minnesota towns are trying to fill their empty Shopkos

EXCERPT: “Some Minnesota cities are hoping to court new retailers, whether one or more, to fill their former Shopko spaces. In the rural community of Mahnomen, about an hour from Bemidji in the White Earth Nation, the loss of Shopko means one less place to shop in Mahnomen — and in some cases, one more ...

National Public Radio: In Rural Areas Without Pain Or Addiction Specialists, Family Doctors Fill In The Gaps

EXCERPT: “In many ways, rural communities like Necedah have become the face of the nation’s opioid epidemic. Drug overdose deaths are more common by population size in rural areas than in urban ones. And rural doctors prescribe opioids more often by far, despite a nationwide decline in prescribing rates since 2012. Meanwhile, rural Americans have fewer alternatives to treat their very real pain, ...

KEYC-TV: Job growth spurs housing demand in Windom

EXCERPT: “Recent job growth has led to a surge in demand for housing in Windom. Now, The Windom City Council is addressing housing needs. Right now, local companies in the city are hiring hundreds of positions, but the issue has been around for a few years. City officials say that a housing study conducted back ...

KBJR-TV: MN ranks 48th in nation for fire department funding

EXCERPT: “A recent study from the the Minnesota Center for Fiscal Excellence has ranked Minnesota at 48th in the nation for fire department funding. The average state spends $420 per household, Minnesota spends less than half. Rice Lake Fire chief Mark Niemi says this isn’t a surprise. ‘Disappointed, very disheartened. It hasn’t been a secret for the ...

West Central Tribune: DNR to map Kandiyohi County’s aggregate resources

EXCERPT: “Thousands of years ago, the vast majority of Minnesota was covered in ice. Glaciers from the north had crept down during the last ice age. When those glaciers melted about 10,000 years ago, they left behind a valuable resource that is used nearly every day in the modern age. ‘Where there is meltwater from ...