Upcoming Events

Thursday, March 13, 12 noon
Interconnected: Shifting Landscapes: Understanding Migration Patterns in Minnesota

Recent data have revealed an interesting shift in Minnesota’s demographic trends: rural counties are experiencing population growth due to in-migration, while urban areas face resident losses. This development marks a departure from patterns observed over the past few decades.

Join us for our next “Interconnected” conversation co-hosted by the Center for Rural Policy & Development and the Citizens League as we explore:
Factors Driving Rural In-Migration: Explore the reasons behind the renewed appeal of rural Minnesota, including lifestyle changes, housing affordability, and economic opportunities.
Implications for Urban and Rural Communities: Understand the challenges and opportunities these migration patterns present for both urban centers and rural towns.
Policy and Planning Considerations: Discuss how local governments and organizations can adapt to and support these evolving demographic trends.

Interconnected: Shifting Landscapes – Understanding Migration Patterns in Minnesota

Thursday, March 13, 12:00 noon-1:30 pm

Free virtual event!


Presentation by Kelly Asche, Senior Researcher, Center for Rural Policy & Development.

Eric Guthrie – Senior Demographer, Minnesota State Demographic Center
Allison Liuzzi – Project Director, Minnesota Compass
Erik Osberg – Rural Rebound Initiative Coordinator, Otter Tail County
Ben Winchester – Extension Professor, University of Minnesota – Department of Community Development

Moderated by Kate Raddatz, McClung PR


Previous Events

Feb. 6, 2025: What’s going on in Greater Minnesota: A special live webinar with the Center for Rural Policy and Development

Greater Minnesota’s communities are changing, and this can present new challenges and opportunities. Join us virtually on Thursday, February 6, as we explore important topics including the rural workforce and population shifts, mental health, and elder care.

The State of Rural: Updated population estimates show that rural Minnesota counties again experienced a population increase from in-migration. CRPD will explain these shifts and the impacts they are having on counties across Greater Minnesota.

Mental health: Families in rural communities face a number of headwinds when it comes to accessing mental health services for their children. We’ll discuss mental health issues facing Greater Minnesota.

Elder care in Greater MN: Many Minnesotans will need to use some form of professional long-term care, either through agencies providing home health care or by taking up residence in an assisted living or nursing facility. Workforce shortages and changes in consumer preference are impacting long-term care across the state. We’ll take a look at what’s happening.


Dec. 11, 2024: Passing the Torch: Business Succession Planning in Rural Minnesota


July 21st, 2021: Immigrants, Refugees, and Local Government Outreach in Rural Minnesota

February 19th, 2021: Child care in rural Minnesota after 2020

January 21st, 2021: What happens to the rural workforce during a pandemic?



October 13, 2020: Livestream Event: The New Reality – The shifting landscape of rural health care in Minnesota

July 15th, 2020: The case for living rural

June 3, 2020: Integrating rural into the new reality of health care

May 1, 2020: A conversation with state leaders on rural Minnesota and COVID-19


Interconnected: Rural-Urban Conversations


About the Series

Minnesotans often use the phrase “rural-urban divide” when talking about the values and priorities that seem to differ across our state. But in reality, our challenges and opportunities are truly interconnected – though the solutions we design may look a bit different in Minneapolis compared to Mankato, or in Brainerd vs. Bloomington. This four-event series – hosted by the Center for Rural Policy and Development and the Citizens League – will bridge the divide between urban & rural Minnesota by exploring our shared challenges and how to design a future that works for our unique communities. Each event will begin with a look at CRPD’s latest research, followed by a panel discussion with speakers from urban and rural areas.

Previous discussions

Thursday, June 3, 2021: Examining Healthcare Access – click here to view the discussion.

Thursday, April 29, 2021: Minnesota’s Workforce – Help Wanted, Everywhere – click here to view the discussion.

Monday, March 29, 2021: Childcare – A Complex Crisis – click here to view the discussion.

Future topics!
We will be holding these Interconnected Conversations monthly where our topics will revolve around our shared interests in health care, work force, housing and equity & inclusion in our communities.  Check back often for the latest information and registration links.  Pre-registration is required for each Conversation. Sign up here to receive notifications on future discussions.