Year: 2021

Interconnected Rural-Urban Conversations: Childcare – A Complex Crisis

    Monday, March 29th: Childcare – A Complex Crisis Our first Interconnected Conversation focused on the childcare crisis in Minnesota. Panelists discussed the similarities and differences in childcare between urban and rural Minnesota, what potential business models may be a part of the solution and how the childcare crisis relates to other parts of ...

As COVID-19 deaths continue to rise, so do deaths of despair

By Whitney Oachs, Research intern In 2018, CRPD reported that across Minnesota, the “opioid crisis” is much more than just opioids. At the time, statistics indicated that Minnesota isn’t facing an opioid crisis so much as an addiction crisis, and the drug of choice—for many—is meth. Though this report was published almost three years ago, ...

KEYC-TV: Economic development grant helping southern Minnesota

EXCERPT: “When the economy takes a turn for the worse, there is a plan in place. Being proactive and not reactive is the motto for Region 9 Development Commission. ‘How are things going right now and what do we see in the future,’ Region 9 Development Commission Executive Director Nicole Griensewic said. Especially with their ...

University of Minnesota: New U of M study outlines recommendations for conserving state’s threatened groundwater supply

EXCERPT: “Nearly 75% of Minnesotans rely on groundwater for their water supply, but that supply can become strained as population grows, land-use changes, and climate change affects precipitation and groundwater use and recharge. These factors mean that many in the state could find groundwater in increasingly short supply in the coming decades— an issue some ...
Girl writing

Disruptions in child care access show its importance to the economy

By Marnie Werner, Vice President, Research & Operations A lack of reliable child care was the single biggest problem for employees in America before the pandemic. Now, as parents head back to work, they will be looking for child care, whether it’s with their old provider or a new one, and that will drive up ...

Brownfield: Pandemic Brings Attention to Rural Broadband Deficiencies

EXCERPT: “Broadband access remains insufficient for many in rural America. And northern Minnesota cow/calf rancher Miles Kuschel tells Brownfield the COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated the issue. ‘If it’s given us an insight into one thing, it’s the absolute need for high-speed broadband across all of Rural America. Whether it’s distance learning, telemedicine, Zoom conferences or annual ...