Year: 2021

map of US

When 435th out of 435 ain’t bad

by Marnie Werner, VP, Research & Operations The Census Bureau released the first round of data from the 2020 Census last week, and it was a nail-biter. These are the basic numbers, the new 2020 population of each state, which is used to determine how many seats each state will get in the U.S. House ...

KARE-TV: Overdose deaths rise sharply in Minnesota

EXCERPT: “The number of Minnesotans who died from drug overdoses rose sharply in 2020, despite a concerted effort to recognize those deaths as public health crisis. According to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) a total of 1,008 people died from drug overdoses statewide in 2020, compared to 792 in 2019. That amounts to a ...

Twin Cities Business: Land O’Lakes Broadens Its Rural Broadband Efforts

EXCERPT: “Beth Ford’s campaign to extend high-speed internet service to rural America gathered more momentum Tuesday when Land O’Lakes announced creation of the American Connection Corps. Ford, president and CEO of the agricultural cooperative, has spearheaded a national coalition’s efforts to close the digital divide, which places many farm communities at a disadvantage to their urban counterparts ...

WCCO-TV: Derek Chauvin Verdict Resonates Throughout Greater Minnesota

EXCERPT: “This verdict we’ve been talking about it to put it in context not only heard around Minnesota but all around the world. Yeah. And you don’t have to live in the Twin Cities to know how big of a moment this is. John Lauritsen continues our coverage in Western Minnesota. Here in Willmar about ...

Lakefield Standard: Reimer works to keep lights on for local farmers

EXCERPT: “Jackson-based Federated Rural Electric is one of many rural electric cooperatives working to keep the lights on for farmers and rural residents of southwest Minnesota. Scott Reimer, Federated’s general manager, knows the industry well and understands how essential it is for farmers. Born in Huron, S.D., Reimer started in the industry 43 years ago, ...

Restoring the churn to rural housing markets

  By Marnie Werner, VP Research I’ve been talking a lot about child care in the last month, and in those presentations, I’ve been telling people how the two biggest barriers to attracting workers in rural areas is a lack of child care and a lack of housing. This week, instead of child care, I ...