Year: 2020

Minnesota Public Radio: Minnesota considers raising water permit fees

EXCERPT: “Cities, industries and some livestock farmers could pay more for water quality permit fees under a proposal by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The MPCA says revenue from the fees has not kept pace with its costs to administer the permits, which cover city and industrial stormwater and wastewater, septic systems and livestock feedlots. Most of ...

MinnPost: 2020 Legislature: Rural focus shifts from general aid to funding for water projects, bridge and road repairs

EXCERPT: “During the last few legislative sessions, several groups that represent cities in Greater Minnesota unified around a major request: more money for Local Government Aid, the longstanding cost-sharing program that helps cities cover their expenses. That campaign paid off as Gov. Tim Walz signed legislation that boosted the amount of money put into the program ...

GreenBiz: What businesses should know about the evolution of rural solar

EXCERPT: “Solar panels may harness the sun’s energy in the same way that plants do, but while some rural residents view them as another revenue-enhancing crop, others see them more as weed-like nuisances that threaten their pastoral way of life. Solar projects certainly are growing rapidly throughout the United States, with total installed capacity just shy ...

Associated Press: Gov. Walz Announces $23M For Expanding Rural Broadband Statewide

EXCERPT: “Minnesota is awarding more than $23 million in grants to 30 projects throughout the state to help bring high-quality broadband access to underserved and unserved parts of the state, Gov. Tim Walz announced Tuesday. ‘Fast, reliable broadband access is a critical economic development tool that improves quality of life and makes businesses in Greater ...

Why I live here: New London

By Kelly Asche, Research Associate I still remember the moment my wife and I decided to move out of the Twin Cities and back to rural Minnesota. We were sitting at the same St. Paul bar we had been frequenting for years, discussing what we wanted in life. And we realized that that’s what we ...