Year: 2018

St. Cloud Times: What Highway 23 improvements mean for you

EXCERPT: “Two extra lanes for safety and commerce. That’s what a recently funded project promises for stretches of Minnesota Highway 23 around Paynesville. Local businesses and governments joined together and lobbied hard for the upgrade in the last year. Lawmakers and Gov. Mark Dayton granted bonding money to the project in May . . . ‘This is an ...

Worthington Daily Globe: Nobles County plans urban lawmaker tour

EXCERPT: “Nobles County commissioners are in the midst of planning an Urban Lawmaker Tour in mid-July. The event is targeted to metro-area legislators and will feature a day-long bus tour July 13 to discuss everything from agriculture regulations to management of state-owned lands, broadband, water, mental health and Local Government Aid . . . As they ...

Brainerd Dispatch: CentraCare Health receives funding for Long Prairie Regional Community Well-Being Center

EXCERPT: “CentraCare Health-Long Prairie will receive $700,000 from the Minnesota Legislature to be used toward a Regional Community Well-Being Center after Gov. Mark Dayton signed the Omnibus Bonding Bill, which totaled $1.5 billion in projects across the state. Local lawmakers Rep. Ron Kresha, R-Little Falls, and Sen. Paul Gazelka, R-Nisswa, authored the original bills in ...

National Public Radio: Rural poverty in America is ‘an emergency’

EXCERPT: “The United States does not stack up favorably when compared to other nations with advanced economies when it comes to childhood poverty worldwide, according to a new report, which considered factors such as the lack of access to quality food, high adolescent birth rates and a child dropping out of school. Out of 175 nations, ...

MinnPost: How Minnesota’s community newspapers hold on in the digital age

EXCERPT: “The Benson paper, like many in the most rural parts of the state, struggles to hang on as populations shift and subscriptions fall off. Digital advertising generates only a fraction of the revenue at small papers in Minnesota – 5 percent or less at most weeklies, in Anfinson’s estimation. Indeed, while daily newspapers have embraced ...

Duluth News Tribune: MPCA at loggerheads over landfills

EXCERPT: “It’s not just neighbors and residents spurning landfills anymore. It’s the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, which hasn’t authorized a new municipal solid waste landfill in the northeast quadrant of the state since 1993. The agency’s hesitance to do so has become an issue for local waste management authorities. Faced with the closing in 10 years ...