2003 Rural Minnesota Internet Study Tracking the rise of broadband use in Greater Minnesota households

Growth in the overall number of people owning home computers and connecting to the Internet is substantially up from 2002. Ownership of a home computer in rural Minnesota was estimated at 65% in 2003, up from 60% in 2002. And of those who reported owning a home computer, 88% report being connected to the Internet, up from 78% in 2002.

In addition, approximately half (49.4%) of all households reporting a dial-up connection in their home also reported that they have tried a broadband connection before. Approximately one in four (27%) report having tried a broadband connection at work; 15% report using a broadband connection at a friend or relative’s home; and the remainder reported trying a broadband connection somewhere else. Still, 50.6% of dial-up users reported never having experienced a broadband connection. For more, access the full report here.


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